Sunday, February 2, 2020


For two different parameterizations of a component, a component must never generate a file of the same name with different instantiations. Follow these steps to define an IP core variant in Platform Designer:. If these parameter settings are incompatible with the component's HDL behavior, Platform Designer interconnect and transactions may not work correctly. Platform Designer IP Catalog. The format is a comma-separated list of inclusive-low and inclusive-high addresses, for example, 0x0: clk

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Platform Designer supports a hierarchical framework that offers fast response times for interconnecting large systems and blackbox entities. The component instantiation errors always indicate the fundamental mismatches between generated system and interconnect fabric RTL. When you apply the wire-level connections in the Platform Designer GUI, or with the qsys-script utility, the wire-level expression cok inserts in the Verilog wrapper file that flk for your system.

After restoration is complete, Platform Designer automatically launches the Open System dialog box, with the extracted project preloaded.


Platform Designer also supports integration of IP cores from third-parties, or custom components that you define. Registering this output reduces the amount of logic between the master and the interconnect, increasing the f MAX of the system.


A generated component's fileset callback allows an instance of the component to create unique HDL design files based on the instance's parameter values. Click Sync All to synchronize all values for the current component. When you save your system, Platform Designer also saves the current cl configuration. Avoid a design that includes a non-secure master that initiates cclk to a secure slave resulting in unsuccessful transfers, within the same hierarchy. Related Information Create an.

Each edge is an abstraction of connectivity between elements, and its direction represents the flow of the commands or responses.

Click Highlight Mode PathSuccessorsPredecessors to identify edges and datapaths between modules. Conduits Connects point-to-point conduit interfaces, or represent signals that you export from the Platform Designer system. AXI slaves have separate arbitration for their independent read and write channels, and the Arbitration Shares setting affects both the read and write arbitration.

Have only one default slave for each interconnect domain in your system. Size Encodes the run-time size of the transaction. Platform Designer uses the high-level connectivity you specify to instantiate a suitable HDL fabric to perform the needed adaptation and arbitration between components.


Streaming creates datapaths for unidirectional traffic, including multichannel streams, packets, and DSP data. An asterisk matches any file name. This field is valid for each beat in a packet, even though it is only produced and consumed by an address cycle. You can modify the target Device family setting for your system at any time on the Platform Designer Device Family tab.

Component Column Displays the selected interface parameter value with respect to the Component Instantiation. This method works for designers of Verilog IP to support users who want to generate a VHDL top-level simulation file when they have mixed-language simulation tool and license that can read the Verilog output for the component.

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The Domains tab displays the Avalon-MM interfaces in your system, and allows you to specify legal values for available 1.5.11. or interface parameters.

If you update timing parameters, the waveforms update automatically. You can lower the hierarchical level of a component, even into its own subsystem, which can simplify the top-level system view. An interface on a subcomponent cannot be exported and also connected within the subsystem.

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Checks for system-info mismatches between the IP file and the component in the system, and prompts resolution with IP instantiation warnings in the Instantiation Messages tab. Platform Designer saves these scripts to your current system. Project Scripts You can add your own scripts to this entry. Adds paths to the. Platform Designer interconnect supports the following implementation scenarios:.


After 15.1.1 define wire-level expressions for your system and resolve any errors, you next generate the system to create the Verilog files. System Scripting Messages Displays the warning and error messages when running the script.

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